Do you have wrinkles, loose skin, and other visible signs of aging you’d like tightened? Or bumpy, unattractive cellulite you’d like to get rid of? How about stretch marks on your body that you can’t seem to hide with other treatments? At Lougheed Laser Centre, our Venus Legacy™ system can treat all of these cosmetic concerns and more without surgery or downtime.
Located in Burnaby, British Columbia, Lougheed Laser Centre is led by Dr. Marcia Fleming and registered nurse Jennifer Sutherland. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how the Venus Legacy™ can tighten and smooth your problematic areas.
Combining multi-polar radio frequency with magnetic pulsed fields, the Venus Legacy™ can help achieve multiple cosmetic goals, including:
The Venus Legacy™ system delivers dynamic results with no surgery, downtime, or pain, allowing patients to comfortably return to normal activities immediately after treatment. The safe, non-irritating radiofrequency energy completely bypasses the skin’s surface, reaching lower depths of tissue without causing any damage, and treating cosmetic concerns at a cellular level.
When radiofrequency energy is directed into the skin, it gently heats underlying tissues. This stimulates the body’s natural healing response, causing an increased production in collagen and elastin – the proteins in the skin responsible for providing strength and elasticity. The healing effects of Venus Legacy™ also cause existing collagen fibers to contract, causing a tightening effect, while elastin fibers unravel to make treated areas more flexible and supple.
The Venus Legacy™ is a multi-applicator workstation that is ergonomically-designed with the technician in mind, providing a comfortable treatment experience for both the medical professional and the patient. At Lougheed Laser Centre, our medical team has extensive training in this procedure, ensuring optimal, professional results.
Individuals who are interested in cellulite reduction and skin tightening and who either do not qualify for or do not want surgery may be candidates for this safe, effective radiofrequency treatment. Venus Legacy™ also creates good results for mothers who are having a difficult time getting rid of their post-baby belly through diet and exercise.
During your consultation with our medical team, we will listen to your individual cosmetic concerns and help you determine if treatment with the Venus Legacy™ is right for you. Contact Lougheed Laser Centre today to schedule a consultation and find out how the Venus Legacy™ can tighten your skin and improve the appearance of cellulite.