The ultraviolet light emitted by the sun has the ability to cause extensive sun damage to our skin, ranging from simple freckles to redness, loose skin and, more seriously, skin cancer. Brown spots on the skin occur because the ultraviolet light causes melanin production in the epidermis. Melanin is the pigment that helps protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun. But we get older, it’s more difficult for our skin to recover from sun damage, resulting in permanent freckling, brown spots (melanin deposits) and other irregularities.
There are two forms of ultraviolet light we need to be concerned about: UVA and UVB. UVA is responsible for prematurely aging the skin. It penetrates deep into the dermis and causes damage to collagen, a main structural component of the skin which keeps it plump and firm. The collagen breakdown results in wrinkles, droopiness and folds. UVA also has the potential to damage DNA, which can lead to skin cancer.
UVB is responsible for superficial skin damage such as brown spots and sunburn. UVB exposure can lead to the epidermis becoming thickened, resulting in “leathery skin” and other changes to the skin tone & texture.
Lougheed Laser offers several different treatment options to reduce brown spots and other types of sun damage. The best treatment is prevention: avoiding sun damage in the first place by always using a broad-spectrum sunscreen like Elta MD.
If the damage has already been done, we may utilize light and laser based treatments like IPL Photorejuvenation, Fraxel® Laser or Photodynamic Therapy to eliminate brown spots, redness and wrinkles, including some pre-cancerous lesions which could otherwise result in skin cancer.
If you would like to get rid of the brown spots on your skin or improve sun damaged skin, contact us for a consultation to find out more about your treatment options.